When it comes to training, most are familiar with a trainer presenting to their team for a half-day or full-day, passing out material, and leave. Even if it is an excellent facilitator and valuable content, most participants go back to their office and, after a few days or weeks, go back to doing things the way they always did. It’s tough when left to our own devices to change our behavior. So we get back on the hamster wheel – emailing, calling, sending, and do it all over again.


Maryann takes a different approach. She works with organizations over an extended time with team learning, 1:1 coaching, and situational coaching. Creating an environment for new and seasoned sales individuals and account management teams to try new ideas and practice in real situations. The results that organizations experience is consistent – it works.

You did what you said you were going to do.
And I don’t say that lightly.

– Elizabeth Herbst-Brady
VP, Head of North American Sales


Potential topics covered in an engagement:

  • Growth Mindset

  • Getting to the truth faster       

  • Control Over the Sales Process   

  • Effective Written and Verbal Communication             

  • Learning Conversations

  • Ideal Client                                          

  • Effective Prospecting                                                      

  • Less Lingering Deals in the Pipeline   

  • Identify and Overcome Objections Earlier                        

  • Finding Pain & Compelling Reasons to Change

  • Getting Beyond No    


  • Negotiating

A proven approach to Creating change and results:

  • Team learning

  • 1:1 coaching

  • situational coaching       


  • Leadership/Managers

  • Sales

  • Account Management