Maryann is by far the best sales coach I’ve had the pleasure of working with. Her professional, interactive, real-time approach drives real results — fast. Since Maryann’s first team training session, which was very customized to our business, ( five months later) I’m 34%+ over my personal sales quota. YOY my total personal sales are up 20% (YOY growth), which I attribute largely to Maryann’s approach and coaching. Whenever I’m in a challenging sales situation, I ask myself, “How would Maryann handle this?” I would highly recommend Maryann to any team looking for a dynamite sales coach, and looking to grow revenue.
— Senior Director
Maryann’s approach is incredible, she’s not only personable & brilliant, but effective! As a seller, she helped re-shape my sales approach in a manner that truly generated results. Through her coaching and after two years of trying on my own, I was able to open the doors to 2 of the world’s largest brands. By implementing her strategy, not only was able to obtain a test campaign, but they’ve renewed and are on track to spend seven figures in 12 months. I owe it all to Maryann and she’s become more than a coach, she’s become a friend.
— Senior Sales Director
I started working with Maryann during Q2 of 2020, I was a year into my new role at this time, and transitioning to working from home. I found it very helpful to connect with someone who was outside of our organization to look at things in a different lens. Like anyone in sales, turning that great meeting into revenue is always a challenge, as well as creating urgency, and knowing when to move on from an opportunity that maybe is not that strong. I had learned a lot from our sessions and believe we were able to map out a great strategy to approach my business and overcome these three roadblocks I was facing. It is no coincidence that in Q3 and Q4 I had my best quarters by far, and have been able to continue to apply those learnings today and everyday. From all of the sales training I have done throughout my career this was the one where I have been able to directly attribute the training to results, which I am continuing to see.
— Account Director
I’ve been working with Maryann for the past three years and fully believe her coaching has made me more successful and helped me to make more money. Working for a large, well-known sales organization, Maryann helped me polish up client communications to achieve more meetings, better relationships, all in less time. She’s a great sounding board for many topics both client-facing, as well as internal issues. She’s effective, kind, and supremely thoughtful. She’s truly indispensable.
— Senior Director of Strategic Accounts
What a difference Maryann makes! She takes the time to get to know you and intimately understands your business. Her unique approach consists of 1:1 coaching sessions tailored to individual sales reps. I’ve worked with Maryann for the past 9 months and never felt more in control of the sales cycle. Instead of emotionally reacting to situations, she’s taught me to slow down, listen, ask the right questions, create a plan and follow through on that plan. This simple strategy has grown my revenue and allowed me to navigate internal and external situations with confidence. Highly recommend.
— Director, Strategic Partnerships
Maryann is the very best sales and leadership coach with whom I have ever worked. Her reputation preceded her when we first worked together at a fortune 500 company. I was impressed with the fact that she connected with even the most experienced sales professionals on the team and helped them improve their performance. I subsequently worked with her again with a Silicon Valley start up and saw her be just as effective. In fact, we measured the ROI of the training and couldn’t have been more impressed. It immediately led us to extend the engagement. I recommend Maryann without hesitation for any sales organization, large or small.
— SVP Sales and GM
I’ve been a Chief Revenue Officer in the digital media space since 1996. Over my career I’ve hired and fired 500+ sales reps. What’s the one thing all the digital reps have in common? They all love working with you. They love working with you for many of the same reasons that I’ve hired you at least a half dozen times in the past 10 years. You walk the talk. It’s never “one and done.” Your model takes sales teams further than anyone else with your one-on-one coaching in the 90 days that follow. Sellers love the personal attention and they actually get to practice what you teach them and assimilate the sales strategies and tactics they’ve learned. Motivational speakers are “nice.” Results are what matters and that’s what you’ve always delivered.
— Chief Revenue Officer
The value that Maryann brings to a team and organization is undeniable. She has a unique way of adapting her approach to the group and team she is working with in a way that drives engagement, impact, and results. Maryann has been incredibly effective for our org - from seasoned leaders & sellers to support teams only a few years into their career, she knows how to connect on an individual level and get your wheels turning. The feedback from those who have participated in her sessions and 1:1 coaching has been overwhelmingly positive and we’re already beginning to see a shift in behaviors and culture after just a few sessions with Maryann. If you are a leader looking to enable & enrich your team look no further than Maryann!
— Director, Head of Sales Operations
I can only imagine how my career in sales would have excelled earlier on had I been introduced to Maryann’s tools and training sooner! Her coaching has enabled me to be less reactive and more strategic, taking the time to step back and get to the TRUTH for a more effective sales cycle and close rate. I waste less time and I worry less. Her approach is collaborative and supportive and non-judgemental. This training is very unique in the ongoing nature of the coaching. My experience with most training courses is that they last for a day or two and then I quickly lose the habit of practicing what I learned. With Maryann, I work with her on a continual basis, ensuring that we practice what we learned. My approach is so different than what it was previously. I have crushed my 2016 goals, a direct result of working with Maryann on everything from prospecting strategies to negotiation tactics.
— Senior Account Executive
Maryann’s approach to sales training is truly unique in the marketplace. Her hands on approach and continual coaching style, has proved very effective for our sales team here. In fact we are so pleased, we have just extended our contract thanks to the quick results we have seen.
— SVP Sales
Maryann was brought into our company to help coach the management team and elevate our skills to the next level. Every session we had was not only informative but also engaging, it felt like it was tailored to our specific needs and not a general pitch given to everyone. I have grown so much in my career and I owe a lot of that credit to the coaching and skills that Maryann has taught me. I absolutely would not be where I am today if it were not for her expertise. I would take advice and coaching from her any day of the week!
— Director, Project Management
It is very rare to find an outside consultant who fits seamlessly into a company’s culture and Maryann does just that. It makes our Sales Directors absolutely open to her coaching; in fact, they seek it.
Maryann Dolzani’s sales coaching made a significant impact on my sales success. I appreciate her approach, insight and her ability to quickly assess sales challenges and provide relevant and meaningful coaching. I recommend Maryann to anyone looking to increase their close rate and improve their prospecting efficiency.

— VP Sales
I know as a new seller she made a HUGE difference in my confidence, ability to feel powerful while dealing with belittling clients, and ultimately my close rate. I went from worst rep to top rep after using her tactics within a matter of two quarters.
— Senior Account Executive
We hired Maryann about 6 months ago and brought her in to train a group of roughly 30 seasoned sales executives, the phrases most used to describe Maryann after the course were ‘relatable’ ‘she just gets it’ ‘powerful’. The team was excited to put her approach to use and liked that we learned things we could apply instantly. Maryann’s approach WORKS! We were able to breakthrough barriers and reach people who have been elusive and radio-silent up to this point. The team has used her approach to qualify their deals and is now working on REAL activity instead of chasing dreams. It has made the team so much more efficient and helped managers to evaluate real pipelines. We brought her in a second time and now, months later, the team continues to use her approach on a daily basis. We are extremely pleased with Maryann.

— National Sales Director
Maryann is career changing! Maryann completely helped me transform my sales techniques. I was particularly impressed with quickly she helped our entire team, not to mention how inspiring she was to learn from. After just one meeting, Maryann helped increase our sales by almost double. She was always available to help. I hope to work with Maryann in the future and would highly recommend her to any sales team looking for a boost!

— Account Executive
This changed my whole life! MaryAnn’s training are simple, tactical and effective. She makes learning easy & provides an actionable playbook on how to make small changes to drive incredible results. I highly recommend this for sellers and managers eager to grow their business.
— SVP Sales
I found this career development opportunity to be one of the best, if not the best, I’ve participated in. What made it most effective was the ongoing support/opportunity to work with Maryann each week, prep for calls/meetings in real-life situations, and then share feedback with her to refine your process for the next one. This cadence helped the skills stick and will make it easier to apply them moving forward.
— Account Director
“Maryann can take a good sales rep and help them to get over huddles and roadblocks to become a great sales rep. She does this by actually listening and addressing the exact obstacle in the sales process, then paving a way to overcome it. It’s not about her, its about the rep. Maryann would be an asset to any sales team that wants to go from good to great.”
— Sales Director
Working with Maryann had a huge impact on me. In our conversations, Maryann talked me through a strategy to re-frame my approach to working with people who are reluctant to embrace change. She coached me to focus on asking more questions, listen more closely, and ultimately helped me understand the power of making people feel heard. In the end, I was able to identify places where small tweaks in my communication style could make a world of difference. I am so grateful for the time I spent working with Maryann.
— Account Manager
Maryann removes a lot of the anxiety that can accompany being a salesperson. She does that by making you the kind of seller with something to offer. There are countless media entities seeking advertising dollars from clients, and Maryann’s coaching makes you stand out. Her training provides the confidence to recognize both when you have the right to win and when it’s time to fight another day. Her prospecting coaching is the best I’ve ever had, providing a structure that puts you in the driver’s seat and presents you as a serious person who’s there for an even and fair transaction that can help drive results for your business. I started working with Maryann when I was 37. I’ve been a seller for 12 years and a Senior Seller for 8 years at wonderful companies. If I had received Maryann’s training in my late twenties, I’d have had an even more successful career. That said, I’m grateful to have received it when I did.
— Senior Client Partner
I’m A HUGE fan of Maryann’s. She has been critical to our success this year.
— President
Maryann’s advice has had a fundamental impact on how I both perceive and engage with sales. Maryann was my first exposure to sales training, and I’m so glad that she was - both the initial training session that was carefully tailored to our company & our 1-1 sessions have helped me learn how to move the needle and move through the sales process strategically. By slowing down, preparing, and approaching each opportunity with intention, I have been able to exponentially improve my results.
— Business Development Associate
Maryann has been an invaluable resource to me while navigating the difficult job of being a manager. She has helped me work through difficult working relationships and how to best handle these through empathy and understanding of communication styles. She has helped me present myself as a proactive and supportive partner to the Sales team by helping me craft smart questions and proactive solutions. On top of that, she has helped me find ways to best manage my own mental health so that I can show up as the best version of myself to my team and the various teams I collaborate with. Always providing me with the most poignant advice, I would not be the manager or worker that I am today without Maryann’s wisdom. She has truly made a mark on me and this organization and I am lucky to know her.
— Manager, Sales Planning
I find great value in the sessions that I have with Maryann. We have been working together for a few months now, and she has become an essential resource for my self-development as a manager. During our conversations, she displays an incredible ability to listen carefully, address my concerns, and propose ideas that help me look at the challenges I am facing through a different lens. Maryann takes the time to uncover the real concern and, through questions, leads you to adapt your style and behaviors. She is an amazing sounding board, committed in every conversation to ensure that you grow as a professional. You can tell she is passionate about what she does and focuses on outcomes and consistency. I love working with her and would 100% recommend!
— Associate Director, Enterprise Sales